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Who We Are

Logo of our church

We are a Bible-believing church in Cache Valley, committed to preserving and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ in this community for God's glory. 

What makes us who we are:

1. An uncompromising commitment to the Bible, the gospel, and to historic Christian theology.

We are unapologetic about our reverence for God's Word. We feel a deep responsibility to steward the good new of Jesus Christ and the truth of God which has been committed to our trust, to faithfully proclaim it, and to preserve and pass on the gospel to the generations yet to come.

2. A dedication to Christian unity.

There is one Body of Christ, and our church is a local manifestation of Christ's Body. We are united with Christians in our valley and throughout our world, and we seek to express this precious unity in tangible ways, by working together, caring for one another, and praying for all of God's people.

3. Remembering and honoring the past.

We know the Church didn't start with us. We stand on the shoulders of godly men and women who have gone before us and who have sacrificed much to hand on the gospel to us. We cultivate a culture which honors our past and those who have taught us the faith.

4. Longevity and endurance.

Cache Valley Bible Fellowship is the oldest continuing evangelical church in Cache Valley. We believe in the importance of roots and of showing up time and time again. Since its founding in 1965, our church has experienced seasons of plenty and seasons of scarcity. We seek to demonstrate patience in trials, hardiness, and trust in the God who promises to be with us through it all.

5. A focus on the importance of loving relationships.

The chief commands in the Old Testament are first to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. The central command in the New Testament is to love one another. We believe Christianity involves more than our intellects, and is lived out in communities where relationship with God and with one another is real.

6. A meaningful connection with our local community.

Christ sends His people into the world to be salt and light. We want to resist being insular and instead love our neighbors in Cache Valley. Our church has strong connections to this community. We host many public events and seek to serve our valley in practical ways.

7. A contemporary worship experience which values tradition.

We believe in the importance of gathering together as God's people to worship. The Christian Church is blessed with an exceedingly rich heritage of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs and liturgical practices which glorify God and strengthens us. We draw weekly upon the best of these historic and contemporary treasures in order to proclaim the goodness and greatness of God.

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