Lead Pastor/Elder
Eli Brayley
Eli Brayley was born and raised in New Brunswick, Canada, but came to Cache Valley in 2007 to preach the good news of Jesus Christ. He worked as an evangelist and pastor with Community Christian Ministries for ten years, and received his bachelor's degree in Religious Studies from Utah State University. In 2019 Eli and his family moved to Chicago, where he graduated from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (M.Div, 2023). He is married to the love of his life, Bethanie, who is from Cache Valley, and they have three wonderful children. Eli loves hockey, chess, and reading. The greatest honor of his life is serving the Lord by being a pastor, preaching and teaching the word of God for God's people.
Executive Pastor/Elder
Eldon Peterson
Eldon and Darcie Peterson moved to Cache Valley in 1983. Eldon worked with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship doing campus ministries at Utah State and Idaho State until 1988. He then worked full-time with Community Christian Ministries' Oasis Books. In 1990 when CVBF became too small to financially support their pastor the church asked Eldon to take on the role of pastor. In 1991 the church called him to serve as the pastor. Now having served CVBF for over 30 years as pastor, Eldon is grateful at how the Lord faithfully enabled CVBF to survive in those lean years and is excited to see how by the grace of God, HIS church will thrive at their new location which was purchased in 2012 and will continue to reach our community for Christ.

Mike Wilson
Mike and his wife Pat moved to Cache Valley in 1993. They were born in the same hospital in Kentucky, went to high school together, and married in 1968. They have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. Mike worked in scientific research and research related business for 25 years. When all the kids were out of the house he resigned that work to become an associate pastor at Maranatha Baptist Church in 2001. He graduated with a Masters of Ministry from Salt Lake Theological Seminary. Mike and Pat spent 5 years teaching English and working as a company chaplain in China. When returning from China, he accepted a position as the English associate pastor at the Logan Chinese Baptist Church. He and Pat joined CVBF in 2020 because they believed its congregation is very much involved in ministry to the Cache Valley community.

Youth Leader
Alan Taylor
Alan and his wife Deanna have resided in Cache Valley for 28 years. They have been married for 38 years and have raised four sons. Alan's love for children began when he was a teen helping his mom with her childcare service which she ran out of their home in California. Alan enjoyed being the coach of his sons’ teams for various sports. It gave him the opportunity to encourage and mentor kids. Alan and Deanna also enjoyed being Awanas leaders when their sons were young. Their hearts ache for young people and the difficult challenges they face daily. Alan and Deanna long for the youth to know God loves them deeply and that He is sufficient to sustain them in every season of their lives.
Ron Wilkinson
Ron grew up and accepted Christ as his savior as a teen and has spent the rest of his life asking questions and searching for answers. When Crohn’s Disease struck him as a young adult, it brought on questions about suffering and the state of the world. He has also enjoyed nature and the beauty of God’s creations and developed a desire to understand how it all works. Because of these, and more, apologetics has become a subject of great interest. Ron serves as a Deacon, Treasurer, building maintenance, and wherever he’s able.
Richard Kline
Richard has had roots in Cache Valley for the last 50 years. He grew up as a "Christian" without knowing the GRACE of GOD until he he started attending CVBF with his young family. He has an amazing wife (Sharon),4 wonderful daughters, a beautiful granddaughter, and two energetic twin grandsons. Richard worked for Cache County School District as the Orchestra teacher at Sky View and North Cache. Besides his role as a deacon, Richard plays the bass on the worship team at CVBF. Praise God!